Full disclosure: I don’t read murder mysteries. Perhaps it’s because the typical format of a mystery doesn’t keep my interest. Many twists and turns, and characters to keep straight. It’s the same with mystery tv series or movies with plots that are difficult to follow. I don’t like to press pause too often to get a recap from my Mr. I like escape while I’m reading, not to have to work hard, you know?
So I wasn’t sure how the latest in the Flavia de Luce Novels, Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d, would work with my short attention span. This was the type of read I did have to give my full attention to if I really wanted to grasp the story line & characters. Once I set aside all distractions and focused on the unraveling story, what I most enjoyed was Flavia’s flare. The unique voice of 11 year old Falvia is wise beyond her young years. She reminds me of a curious cat. Fearless, keen and silly. She makes for a quick witted amusing protagonist. As well, Alan Bradley is my kind of author. He is a highly descriptive writer. I appreciate when an author creates a piece of art through generous detail. There are many clever comparisons, and humorous situations and dialogue. I found myself smiling a lot, which is a wonderful feeling to receive from a book.
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d is the kind of story directors and producers would be itching to bring to the big screen. I could easily imagine Flavia bicycling all over town and the hi-jinks she gets herself into. So I wasn’t surprised when I learned there is a Flavia de Luce British series, which I will be checking out.
Mystery lovers will adore Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d, but I wouldn’t limit it to only those who read that genre, as it sure passed the “test” for me.
I received Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d in a GoodReads giveaway.
Until next time,
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